We remove the steering wheel for replacement, as well as for removing the steering column, instrument panel and elements installed on the steering column

We prepare the car and disconnect the negative battery terminal

How to remove and install Toyota Camry steering wheel

How to remove and install Toyota Camry steering wheel

Pry off with a screwdriver and remove the decorative trim on the left side of the steering wheel

How to remove and install Toyota Camry steering wheel

Unscrew the bolt securing the airbag to the steering wheel hub

We also unscrew the airbag mounting bolt on the other side

How to remove and install Toyota Camry steering wheel

The photo shows the location of the driver's airbag mount

How to remove and install Toyota Camry steering wheel

How to remove and install Toyota Camry steering wheel

Carefully remove the airbag and deploy the airbag

How to remove and install Toyota Camry steering wheel

Use a screwdriver to pry off the yellow clips of the wiring harness pads and remove the clips

How to remove and install Toyota Camry steering wheel

How to remove and install Toyota Camry steering wheel

Disconnect the black block, and then the yellow block from the airbag

How to remove and install steering wheel on Toyota Camry

Disconnect the ground wire from the airbag housing and remove the airbag

How to remove and install steering wheel on Toyota Camry

Loosen the handlebar nut

The steering wheel is very tight on the splines of the shaft, so you can not completely unscrew the steering wheel nut

In case of a sharp impact during removal, the steering wheel, jumping off the splines, can cause injury

It is also necessary to mark the position of the steering wheel hub relative to the shaft, so that it is convenient to install

We fix the steering wheel from turning using the locking mechanism of the anti-theft device of the ignition lock

After loosening the steering wheel nut, turn off the anti-theft device by inserting the key into the ignition switch, and set the steering wheel back to the straight-ahead position

With sharp blows of the hands, we knock the steering wheel off the splines of the shaft

Finally unscrew the nut and remove the washer

How to remove and install Toyota Camry steering wheel

Before removing the steering wheel, mark the relative position of the steering wheel hub relative to the steering column shaft

Remove the steering wheel from the slots of the column

We install the steering wheel and all the details in arr order

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