Connect the pressure gauge.

Disconnect the discharge pipe from the pump body

fig. 1. Manometer for measuring the pressure of the working fluid of the hydraulic booster

Connect the pressure gauge as shown in Figure 1

Make sure the pressure gauge valve is open.

Bleed the system.

Start the engine and set the idle speed.

Turn the steering wheel a full turn two or three times to warm up the fluid.

Working fluid temperature: 80 °C.

fig. 2. Checking the pressure of the working fluid with the pressure gauge valve closed

Check the pressure of the working fluid with the pressure gauge valve closed (Fig. 2).

Minimum allowable pressure: 7845 kPa.

Do not keep the tap closed for more than 10 seconds. Do not allow the temperature of the working fluid to become too high.

fig 3. Checking the working fluid pressure with the manometer cock open

Check the fluid pressure with the pressure gauge valve open (fig. 3).

With the engine idling, open the valve all the way.

Measure fluid pressure at engine speeds of 1000 min–1 and 3000 min–1.

Maximum allowable pressure difference: 490 kPa.

Do not turn the steering wheel.

fig. 4. Checking the pressure of the working fluid with the pressure gauge valve open and the steering wheel turned to the extreme position

Check the fluid pressure when turning the steering wheel to the end position (fig. 4).

With the engine idling and the valve fully open, turn the steering wheel to the maximum angle.

Minimum allowable pressure: 7845 kPa.

Do not hold the steering wheel in the extreme position for more than 10 seconds.

Don't let the fluid temperature get too high.

Disconnect the pressure gauge.

Connect the discharge line to the pump body.

Bleed the power steering system.


Removal and installation of thermostat ZMZ-409

You will need: hexagon "6", wrench "12", screwdriver

Drain the cooling system

Removal and installation of the ZMZ-406 alternator belt

Loosen bolt 1 two to three turns

Unscrew the adjusting bolt 2, loosen the belt tension and remove it

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