If the pump fails, replace the assembly, as its repair requires the use of special equipment and tools

If the new pump does not come with a hose fitting, unscrew the fitting from the old pump and install it in the new one.

You will need: wrenches "for 13", "for 22", a screwdriver.

Remove the power steering pump drive belt (see "Checking the tension and adjusting the power steering pump drive belt").

Drain the fluid from the power steering hydraulic system (see "Changing the Fluid in the Power Steering Hydraulic System").

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Remove the bolt fitting of the high pressure hose.

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Pay attention to the condition of the copper gaskets.

Replace bent or heavily compressed gaskets

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Loosen the inlet hose clamp

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Remove the hose from the fitting

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Remove the nut of the bolt securing the pump to the tension bar

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Remove the bolt and spacer.

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Remove the bottom bolt nut

Remove the bolt and remove the power steering pump

Install the pump in the reverse order of removal.

After installation, fill with fluid and bleed the power steering system (see "Bleeding the Power Steering System").

Removing the hydraulic pump of a car manufactured after 2009

We prepare the car, install it on a flyover or on a lift.

Remove the protection of the oil pan and mudguards of the engine compartment.

Remove the accessory drive belt.

We pump out the fluid from the reservoir of the power steering pump.

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Insert the screwdriver shaft between the heads of the two bolts securing the power steering pump pulley, stop the pulley from turning.

Using a 1Z spanner, loosen the three bolts securing the pulley to the pump flange in turn.

Removing the bolts

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Remove the power steering pump pulley.

We substitute a container for draining the fluid from the hoses and the power steering pump

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Use a Phillips screwdriver to loosen the clamp on the pump inlet hose.

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Remove the hose from the pump nozzle

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Using a 22 spanner wrench, unscrew the bolt fitting for fastening the high-pressure hose tip

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Remove the bolt fitting.

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

The end of the hose is sealed on both sides with copper washers.

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Using a 1Z spanner, unscrew the bolts of the lower mounting of the power steering pump plate

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

We unscrew the bolts of the upper mounting of the plate

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Using a 13 key, we unscrew the bolt of the lower mounting of the pump to the oil filter bracket

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Using a 13 open-end wrench, unscrew the bolt of the upper pump mount

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

We take the pump forward and remove it together with the plate.

At the same time, the power steering pump upper mounting bolt remains in the hole in the oil filter bracket, as the oil filter prevents its removal.

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

With a 13 head, unscrew the three bolts securing the plate to the power steering pump.

Niva Chevrolet power steering pump replacement

Remove the plate.

Install the pump in reverse order.

Fill in the liquid and pump the system.

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