It is advisable to remove and clean the throttle assembly after 15,000 km of the car’s run, or when malfunctions are detected

Main malfunctions of the throttle assembly:

  • - incorrect definition of the extreme positions of the damper;
  • - incorrect programming of the damper initial position;
  • - damper actuator malfunction (jamming);
  • - discrepancy between the set and current damper positions;
  • - inconsistency between the set and current damper positions after the latter rebounds from the lower limiter (causes a transition to the backup mode)

Removing and cleaning the throttle body

We will show dismantling and cleaning using the example of a 2.0l engine.

On engines of other power, the process is not particularly different.

To repair, we need a slotted screwdriver, a 10 socket wrench, flushing fluid.

Preparing the car for repair. Remove the negative terminal from the battery.

How to remove and clean the Renault Megan-2 throttle assembly

Use a slotted screwdriver to loosen the clamp securing the air duct to the throttle assembly

How to remove and clean the Renault Megan-2 throttle assembly

Loosen the clamp securing the air duct to the air filter housing.

How to remove and clean the Renault Megane-2 throttle assembly

Remove the duct.

How to remove and clean the Renault Megane-2 throttle assembly

Using a 10 key, we unscrew the four bolts securing the throttle assembly

How to remove and clean the Renault Megane-2 throttle assembly

Disconnecting the recirculation tube

How to remove and clean the Renault Megan-2 throttle assembly

Press the latch with a thin screwdriver and remove the throttle control connector

How to remove and clean the Renault Megane-2 throttle assembly

Remove the throttle assembly for cleaning

How to remove and clean the Renault Megane-2 throttle assembly

Clean the throttle assembly with carburetor cleaner.

Blow out the throttle assembly with compressed air

How to remove and clean the Renault Megane-2 throttle assembly

Install the throttle assembly in reverse order

When installing, check the rubber sealing ring.


Removing airbags Renault Megane 2

Disconnect the negative battery terminal

After turning off the power, wait at least 1 minute for the airbag activator capacitor to discharge

Checking compression in the cylinders of the VAZ-2123 engine

To check the compression, it is recommended to use compression gauges for gasoline engines

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