Signs of a throttle that is not fully closing can be increased idle speed and fuel consumption

If the damper does not open completely, then the engine does not develop full power, insufficient engine acceleration, jerks and failures in the engine when the car is moving.

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

If the throttle actuator adjustment fails to fully open or close the throttle, or if the actuator sticks, replace the throttle cable.

You will need a screwdriver.

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

To visually control the movement of the throttle, loosen the fastening clamps and disconnect the crankcase ventilation hose from the right side of the air inlet pipe and the right side of the pipe from the throttle assembly.

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

With the accelerator pedal fully depressed (this should be done by an assistant), check the throttle position - it should be fully open.

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

When the accelerator pedal is released, the throttle should be fully closed.

Otherwise, the actuator needs to be adjusted.

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

Remove the spring clip from the slot of the end of the cable sheath

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

And by moving the tip in the hole of the rubber retainer forward, ensure that the throttle valve is fully closed, and if it is not fully opened, by moving it backward, ensure that the valve is fully opened.

Fix the end of the cable in its new position by inserting the clip into its corresponding slot.

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

To replace the cable, remove the safety clip from the throttle assembly sector by prying it with a screwdriver.

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

Remove the tip of the throttle cable from the sector groove and disconnect the cable from the throttle assembly

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

Remove the cable sheath holder from the hole, and the cable retainer from the bracket slot and disconnect the cable from the receiver.

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

Inside the passenger compartment, remove the end of the cable from the accelerator pedal pin by prying it with a screwdriver.

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

Pull the cable towards the engine compartment from the hole in the bulkhead.

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

Remove the cable sealing sleeve from the bulkhead shield hole and remove the cable from the bulkhead shield hole together with the sealing sleeve

Niva Chevrolet throttle cable adjustment and replacement

Install the new throttle cable in the reverse order of removal.

After that, adjust the drive.

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