We disassemble the gearbox shafts to replace parts

Disassembly and assembly of the gearbox input shaft

Gearbox input shaft: 1 - circlip; 2 - ball bearing; 3 - input shaft; 4 - needle bearing; 5, 7, 8 - retaining ring; 6 - ball bearing; 9 - fifth gear; 10 - fourth gear; 11 - needle bearing; 12 - fourth gear bushing; 13 - synchronizer ring; 14 - synchronizer spring; 15 - synchronizer sleeve; 16 - synchronizer clutch; 17 - synchronizer spring; 18 - synchronizer ring; 19 - third gear

Using a puller 09432-21300, remove the snap ring and ball bearing

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Remove the snap ring, snap ring, fifth and fourth gears, needle bearing, fourth gear bushing, third and fourth gear synchronizer ring, first, second, third, fourth gear synchronizer springs, third and fourth gear synchronizer bushings, third gear and needle bearing


Checking the surface of the input shaft in contact with the needle bearings for damage or wear

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Check the shaft splines for damage or wear

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Install the synchronizer sleeve on the sleeve and make sure it moves smoothly

Checking the sleeve for damage

Checking the wear of the surfaces of the ends of the sleeve (in contact with each gear)


Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Using special tool 09432-33300, install the needle bearing, 3rd gear, 3rd and 4th gear synchronizer bushing, 1st-4th gear synchronizer springs, 3rd and 4th gear synchronizer ring, 4th gear bushing, needle bearing, gears fifth and fourth gears, circlip and circlip

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Using the special tool 09432-21300, install the ball bearing and spring ring

Disassembly and assembly of the driven shaft of the gearbox

Driven shaft of gearbox: 1 - ball bearing; 2 - driven shaft; 3 - bushing of the first gear; 4 - gear wheel of the first transfer; 5 - synchronizer of the first and second gears; 6 - second gear synchronizer spring; 7 - second gear bushing; 8 - second gear gear; 9 - reverse gear; 10 - needle bearing; 11 - blocking conical ring; 12 - first gear synchronizer spring; 13 - blocking conical ring; 14 - needle bearing; 15 - retaining ring; 16 - needle bearing; 17 - fifth gear; 18 - fifth gear synchronizer ring; 19 - fifth gear synchronizer spring; 20 - reverse gear synchronizer spring; 21 - reverse gear; 22 - reverse gear bushing; 23 - ball bearing; 24 - retaining ring; 25 - needle bearing; 26 - fifth gear synchronizer spring; 27 - fifth gear bushing; 28 - fourth gear; 29 - retaining ring; 30 - third gear

The figure shows the assembly sequence of the slave gearbox shaft

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Remove the retaining ring

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Using special tool 09432-33000, remove the ball bearing and reverse gear

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Remove the synchronizer ring, fifth gear and reverse gear synchronizer spring, fifth gear and reverse gear bushing

Using the special tool 09432-33000, remove the synchronizer sleeve and fifth gear

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Using the special tool 09432-33200, remove the 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and first gears together


Checking the surface of the driven shaft in contact with the needle bearings for damage and wear

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Check the shaft splines for damage and wear

We install the needle bearing with the support sleeve and the gear on the shaft.

Check that the bearing rotates evenly without noise or play

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Checking the needle bearing housing for damage

Points to check for wear and damage

Inspecting the teeth of the synchronizer ring for damage

Checking the inner surface for damage, wear or damage to the grooves

Install the synchronizer sleeve on the sleeve and make sure it moves smoothly

Checking the sleeve for wear and damage

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Checking the wear of the surfaces of the ends of the sleeve in contact with each gear

Check the gear teeth for wear and damage

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Check the conical surface of the gear for roughness, damage and wear

Check the gear bore for wear and damage


Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Installing the needle bearing

Installing the first gear

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Installing the locking taper ring

Install the synchronizer sleeve and sleeve

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Installing the locking taper ring

Installing the second gear bushing and needle bearing

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Using the special tool 09432-22000, install the second and third gear

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Installing the retaining ring

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Installing the 4th gear, 5th gear bushing, needle bearing, 5th gear, 5th synchro ring, synchro bushing, and 5th and reverse gear hub

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Installing the needle bearing, reverse gear and driven bushing

Kia Magentis gearbox shaft overhaul and check

Using the special tool 09432-22000, install the ball bearing and retaining ring

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