2108 carburettor disassembly
It is necessary to disassemble the carburetor only when it is necessary to wash and blow out the carburetor, as well as in case of fault detection.

You will need: keys "for 10", "for 13", "for 14", "for 17", "for 19", "for 21", "for 22", "for 36" (or a special key for the crankshaft pulley fastening nut, in the absence of such a key, you can use a gas wrench),

Loosen the belt tension, to do this, loosen the nut 1 and the adjusting bolt 2 and turn the bracket 3 with the tension roller 4 to the engine block

All parts of the boost corrector (CPN) to be assembled must be clean and the rubbing surfaces lubricated with engine oil