Check whether the size group of the piston set matches the size group of the cylinder liners
An external sign of wear on the valve stem seals is the short-term appearance of blue smoke from the exhaust pipe after starting the engine, as well as when braking the engine after a long drive under load
The head of the block can be removed with the intake pipe and exhaust manifold
We remove the tips of the spark plugs together with the high-voltage wires, the ignition coils (you can only disconnect the connectors by leaving them on the valve cover), the throttle cable and, having disconnected the wires from the sensors of the lubrication and cooling systems, remove the wiring harness from the brackets of the head cover .
The VAZ-21114 engine uses a distributed phased injection system: fuel is supplied by nozzles to each cylinder in turn in accordance with the order of operation of the engine cylinders
Hydraulic pushers of the ZMZ-409 engine, made in the form of cylindrical pushers and located between the camshaft and valves, combine two functions: transferring force from the camshaft to the valves and eliminating gaps in their drive
On the cars of the latest production series, instead of a centrifugal oil filter, an oil filter with a paper filter element is installed, shown in fig. 1
Hydraulic pushers of the VAZ-21126 engine, made in the form of cylindrical pushers located between the camshaft and valves, combine two functions:
Usually, the timing belt is designed to operate for 30,000 km
Carburetor "Ozone" model DAAZ 2107 - emulsion type, two-chamber, with a falling flow
We dismantled the engine in the article - Dismantling the VAZ-21126 engine
Engine parts were detected in the article - Defection of engine parts VAZ-21126