We set the piston of the first cylinder to the TDC position of the compression stroke so that when carrying out work related to the removal of the camshaft drive belt, the valve timing is not disturbed
If the valve timing is disturbed, the engine will not work normally
We set the TDC according to the marks on the exhaust camshaft sprocket and on the phase regulator clutch (when installed according to the marks on the crankshaft pulley, the piston of either the first or fourth cylinder can be in this position)
After that, you must make sure that the marks on the crankshaft pulley match
If the marks on the crankshaft pulley do not match, then the valve timing is incorrect (the piston of the first cylinder is not set to TDC)
In this case, it is necessary to remove the timing chain and turn the crankshaft until the marks match
To complete the task, you will need keys: socket wrench for 10, ring wrenches or socket heads for 8, 13, 18
Set the TDC of the compression stroke of the first cylinder in the following order:
Remove the right front wheel
Remove the right front wheel liner
Remove the decorative engine cover, as indicated in the article "How to remove the decorative casing and mudguard of the 2AZ-FE Toyota Camry engine"
Remove the cylinder head cover
We turn the crankshaft by the bolt securing the pulley to it until the movable mark on the crankshaft pulley and the mark on the tide of the timing chain cover coincide

We check the coincidence of the marks on the exhaust camshaft sprocket and on the clutch of the variable valve timing system