The front wheel drives consist of internal and external constant velocity joints (CV joints) connected by shafts

The external hinge allows only angular movements of the connected shafts.

In addition to angular movements, the internal hinge provides axial shaft displacements when the front wheels turn and the suspension works.

The wheel speed sensor drive ring is pressed onto the outer joint housing.

The Rceppa-type external joint consists of a body, a cage, a cage and six balls.

Grooves for accommodating balls are made in the hinge body and in the cage.

The grooves in the longitudinal plane are made along the radius, which provides the required angle of rotation of the outer hinge

Front wheel drives: A - right front wheel drive; B - left front wheel drive; 2 - large clamps for fastening hinge covers; 3 - hinge covers; 4 - small clamps; 5 - drive shafts; 6 - dynamic damper; 7 - internal hinge; 8 - intermediate support bearing; 9 - retaining ring

The splined tip of the outer joint housing is installed in the front wheel hub and attached to it with a nut.

The cage of the outer hinge is mounted on the splines of the shaft 5 and fixed on the shaft with a retaining ring

The inner hinge of a car with an automatic transmission of the "Tripod" type consists of a body and three rollers on needle bearings, put on the trunnions of a three-spike hub

Slots for rollers are made in the hinge body

The three-stud hub is fixed on the shaft with a retaining ring, the rollers allow the hub to move in the grooves of the hinge body in the axial direction, so that the drive can be lengthened or shortened to compensate for the mutual movements of the suspension and the power unit

The splined tip of the inner joint housing is fixed in the side gear of the differential with a snap ring 9.

The “Tripod” type hinge is supplied as spare parts in the form of two repair kits: a large one, including all parts of the hinge, and a small one, similar to the outer hinge repair kit.

For the lubrication of the hinges, a special lubricant with molybdenum disulfide (domestic analogue of SHRUS-4) was used.

The cavities of all hinges are protected from road dirt and water by rubber corrugated covers 3, fixed on the hinge bodies and on the drive shafts with large 2 and small 4 clamps, respectively.

The outer and inner CV joints of both drives are the same

The drive shafts have different lengths, so the drives of the right and left wheels are not interchangeable.

To reduce vibration in the transmission, a dynamic damper 6 is installed on the shaft of the right drive, fixed with clamps similar to small clamps 4 of covers 3.

The drive joints are very durable, their design life is almost equal to that of a car.

However, in operation they are changed or repaired quite often due to damage to protective covers.

Such work is quite expensive and time-consuming.

To save a lot of money, regularly check the condition of the protective covers of the hinges and replace them immediately if they are damaged.

If water or dust gets into the hinge through a damaged cover, it will fail after several hundred kilometers.

The sealed hinge wears extremely slowly.

Possible malfunctions of the front wheel drive and solutions

Vibration when driving:

  • - severe wear of the outer joint of the wheel drive - replace the worn joint;
  • - deformation of the wheel drive shaft - replace the hinge assembly;
  • - wear of the rollers of the inner hinge of the drive of the right front wheel - replace the inner hinge;
  • - loosening the hub nut - tighten or replace the nut

Moving the car to the side:

  • - wear or damage to the cage of the inner hinge of the left front wheel - replace the hinge;
  • - wear or damage to the outer hinge - replace the hinge;
  • - deformation or damage to the drive shaft - replace the shaft;
  • - loosening the hub nut - tighten or replace the nut

Grease leaking from hinges:

  • - rupture or wear of the protective cover of the hinges - inspect the hinge, if there is play, replace the hinge. Replace damaged case;
  • - clamps not tight enough - replace and securely tighten the clamps

Noise, knock from the front wheel when the car is moving:

  • - damage or deformation of the wheel drive shaft - replace the shaft;
  • - runout of the front wheel drive shaft - replace the shaft;
  • - wear of the rollers of the inner ball right front wheel drive - replace the inner joint;
  • - loosening the hub nut - replace or tighten the nut

Knock when turning car:

Severe wear on outer wheel drive joint - replace joint


Removal and installation of fan belt ZMZ-402


Loosen the belt tension, to do this, loosen the nut 1 and the adjusting bolt 2 and turn the bracket 3 with the tension roller 4 to the engine block

Features of the VAZ-2123 engine

The VAZ-2123 engine was developed on the basis of the VAZ-21214 engine, which, in turn, is a modernized VAZ-21213 engine and complies with Euro II toxicity standards

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