K-151, K-151D carburetors are installed on engines of model 402 and 4021.
The K-151 carburetor (Fig. 1) consists of three main detachable parts connected through sealing gaskets with screws
Installing cylinder liners
Cylinder liners and the seating surfaces of the cylinder block under the liners should be wiped with a napkin and blown with compressed air
Before assembling the engine, it is necessary to clean all its parts from carbon deposits and resinous deposits
You will need: a hex wrench “6”, heads “12”, “13”, “14”, a small chisel, a hammer
You will need a key "for 12". The intermediate shaft is used to drive the oil pump
In addition, camshafts are driven through it
Let's consider the malfunctions that may occur during engine operation:
- - The crankshaft is not turned by the starter;
K-151, K-151D carburetor adjustment
The fuel level in the float chamber is adjusted with the carburetor cover removed
The clearances between the rocker arms and valves are adjusted on a cold engine, with the cylinder head fastening nuts and the nuts fastening the racks of the rocker arm axles are tightened to the required torque
The cylinder block is the main body part of a diesel engine and is a hard cast iron
For lapping the valves, it is most convenient to use a special mechanical device (reversible drill). In addition, ready-made manual valve holders are available