The fuel tank is removed for preventive flushing or to fix a leak
In addition, sometimes it may be necessary to remove the fuel tank to gain access to other parts when repairing or replacing them

When the ignition is switched on, the indicator lamp lights up (for 0.5 s) and goes out if the self-diagnosis system has not detected a malfunction

Three instrument clusters can be installed on Gazelle cars: an old model of production until 2003, a new model of production from 2003 for cars with engines ZMZ-4063, ZMZ-40522, UMZ-4215 and a new model of production from 2003 for cars with engines ZMZ-40524 and UMZ-4218

Camshafts mounted in the cylinder head are driven by a double row chain from the intermediate shaft, which in turn is driven by a double row chain from the crankshaft