Relieve fuel pressure in the fuel system
Turn off the ignition and remove the "negative" terminal of the battery
We adjust the bearings every 20 thousand kilometers, as well as when there is increased play in them, changing the lubricant and replacing the bearings
If there are noises and knocks in a running engine, you should find out the cause of their occurrence and do not operate the engine until the malfunction is eliminated
Knock sensor (0261231046 Bosch or GT 305) piezoelectric type mounted on the engine block under the intake manifold of the fourth cylinder
Removing the crankshaft
Remove the oil sump and crankcase gasket.
The ZMZ-40524.10 engine is a modification of the ZMZ-40522.10 engine in order to meet Euro3 toxicity standards and increase its reliability and service life
The scheme for a more detailed study consists of two parts
The front suspension of the Gazelle car consists of a stamped I-beam connected to the steering knuckles using pivots
Thermal valve is designed to automatically control the oil supply to the oil cooler depending on the oil temperature and pressure.
Checking electrical circuits
To measure electrical parameters, a digital or analog (pointer) tester is used - a voltmeter, ohmmeter and other devices combined in one housing.
The system is designed to reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases