Replacing the throttle cable of ZMZ-40522, ZMZ-40524, ZMZ-406 engines
Disconnect the negative battery terminal.
Adjustment of the steering mechanism is needed when the car's directional stability is low at high speed (you don't feel the steering wheel at high speed)
Sooner or later, the bulbs in the rear lights burn out.
It would seem that it would be easier: to take a new lamp, suitable for the size of the cap and voltage, and install it in place of the burned-out lamp
Since the hydraulic tensioners keep the chains constantly taut, regardless of chain stretch or shoe wear, there is no need to adjust the chain tension during operation
Replacing the filter element of the fine filter with the ZMZ-402 engine
It is possible to replace the filter element or disassemble the filter without removing the filter from the engine
We adjust the bearings every 20 thousand kilometers, as well as when there is increased play in them, changing the lubricant and replacing the bearings
According to the manufacturer's recommendation, the coolant should be replaced after two years of operation or after 60 thousand kilometers, whichever comes first
Clutch fluid needs to be changed after 2 years
We pump the hydraulic drive when replacing the working fluid, as well as to remove air from the system that got into it during the repair or replacement of individual components
Removing the instrument panel is necessary for removing and repairing the interior heater, as well as for other repairs.
Shows work on removing and installing an old-style instrument panel (until 2003)
When increasing the force on the brake pedal, it is necessary to check the performance of the vacuum booster
High voltage wires are made of PV PPV wire with a diameter of 8 mm