Replacing the rear brake pads

The minimum allowable thickness of the friction linings of the brake pads is 1.5 mm.

Replace pads in the following cases:

  • – thickness of friction linings less than allowed;
  • - the surface of the overlays is oily;
  • - friction lining is not firmly connected to the base;
  • - overlays have deep grooves and chips.

Do not use gasoline, diesel fuel or any other mineral solvents to clean the brakes.

Change the pads in the brake mechanisms of both rear wheels at the same time.

It is not allowed to replace the front and rear pads with each other, as well as between the left and right wheels.

This can cause uneven braking.

You will need: pliers or a screwdriver, two mounting blades.

Remove the rear wheel and loosen the parking brake cable.

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

To assess the condition of the brake pads without removing the drum, there is a viewing window in the brake shield.

Remove the plug from the shield and evaluate the condition of the pads.

To mount the brake drum, bolts with a reduced head height are used.

Therefore, to unscrew them, it is better to use a hexagonal tool head, in which the working edges start immediately from its end (if necessary, the head can be machined).

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

Before unscrewing the bolts securing the brake drum to the axle shaft flange, we tap their heads.

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

With a 12 head, we unscrew the two bolts securing the brake drum to the axle shaft.

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

We screw the bolts into the holes in which there is a thread in the drum (when tightening the bolts, they will rest against the axle shaft flange and move the drum).

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

You can also remove the brake drum by hitting the end of the drum with a hammer through a block of wood

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

Remove the brake drum

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

Using a screwdriver, disconnect the end of the upper return spring from the shoe

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

Remove the spring

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

Remove the spacer bar

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

Using pliers, turn the shank of the front shoe rack until it matches the slot of the outer cup

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

Remove the spring with the outer and inner cups

Tor replacement brake pads Niva Chevrolet

On the other side of the brake shield, take out the rack

Details of the shoe support.

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

Retract the front shoe

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

Remove the lower return spring and remove the rear shoe support strut

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

Remove the rear brake pad

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

Remove the handbrake lever of the shoes from the tip of the rear parking brake cable

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

To remove the lever of the manual drive of the pads, unpin its axis

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

Remove the washer

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

Remove the lever

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

Removing the axle

We assemble and install the pads in the reverse order

When installing new pads, it is necessary to press the pistons into the wheel cylinder.

This operation can be performed as follows:

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

- carefully striking the piston with a hammer through a wooden block;

Niva Chevrolet brake pad replacement

- or having installed the pads, we press on them, relying on the shoulder of the brake shield with two mounting blades.

In this case, the upper stops of the pads press the pistons into the cylinder

After installing new brake pads, the parking brake system must be adjusted.

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