Remove the instrument cluster trim panel.

Remove the instrument cluster unit.

Remove the upper part of the dashboard.

Remove the clutch master cylinder pushrod yoke with pin.

Remove the clip and remove the pin from the hole.

Remove the clutch pedal.

Fig. 1 Clutch pedal components: 1 - nut; 2 – a socket of the switch of a pedal of coupling; 3 - clutch pedal switch; 4 - clutch pedal nuts; 5 - lock; 6 - fork axle; 7 - fork bushing; 8 – a nut of fastening of a plug stem; 9 - plug stem; 10 - fork; 11 - pedal pad; 12 - clutch pedal

Disconnect the clutch switch connector.

Unscrew the three nuts, remove the clutch pedal assembly with the bracket.

Fig. 2 Removing the compression spring.

Remove the servo compression spring.

To do this, using a small screwdriver, remove the E-ring, then remove the compression spring (fig. 2).

Install the clutch master cylinder pushrod bushing.

Apply grease to the inside of the new bushing. Install the fork bushing into the hole in the clutch pedal.

Install the first clutch pedal buffer.

Install the clutch pedal pad.

Install the spring cover.

Install the clutch pedal servo bushing.

Before installing, apply grease to the inside of the new bushing.

Fig. 3 Fitting the clutch pedal bushings.

Apply grease to both surfaces of the two new clutch pedal bushings and install them in the pedal bore (fig3).

Install the clutch pedal assembly into the clutch pedal bracket and secure with the bolt and nut.

Tightening torque: 36.8 Nm.

Fig. 4 Installing the compression spring.

Apply grease to the contact surfaces of the bushing and compression spring.

Using needle nose pliers, install the E-ring and replace the servo seat compression spring (fig. 4).

Install the clutch pedal assembly and secure with the three nuts.

Tightening torque: 18.6 - 22.5 Nm.

Connect the clutch switch connector.

Apply grease to the contact surfaces of the pin and hole of the clutch master cylinder pushrod bushing.

Connect the bushing to the clutch pedal with a pin.

Place the clamp on the pin.

Install the upper part of the dashboard.

Install the instrument cluster unit.

Install the instrument cluster trim panel

Check and adjust the clutch pedal.


Replacing Niva Chevrolet front wheel bearings

External signs of the need to remove bearings for troubleshooting are:

  • – increased noise during wheel rotation;

Diagnostics of the ZMZ-406 control system

When the ignition is switched on, the indicator lamp lights up (for 0.5 s) and goes out if the self-diagnosis system has not detected a malfunction

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