According to the recommendations of the factory, the alternator belt should be replaced after 15 thousand km
You will need: 12" wrench and socket, 17" wrench, 6" hex wrench
We replace the timing belt every 75,000 km or if it shows signs of wear and undercutting of teeth, cracks, delamination of rubber and fabric base
Usually, the camshaft oil seal is replaced when the engine is being repaired and when oil is leaking.
Leaking oil, splashing, falls on the timing belt, which deteriorates as a result
You will need: wrenches "for 10", "for 12", "for 14", heads "for 15", "for 19", a hammer
Remove the cylinder head
The clearances between the rocker arms and valves are adjusted on a cold engine, with the cylinder head fastening nuts and the nuts fastening the racks of the rocker arm axles are tightened to the required torque