A viscous fan drive clutch is installed on the car
Remove the engine screen. Relieve pressure in the power system
We check the health of the injector windings with the ignition off
Installing the cylinder head and valve mechanism D-245
If it is necessary to replace the valve seats, use the set of special mandrels shown in fig. 1.
Cylinder head and gas distribution mechanism D-245
The cylinder head is a cast iron casting, in the internal cavities of which there are inlet and outlet channels closed by valves
If, with a good tensioner and its shoe, as well as with unworn drive sprockets, it is not possible to restore the tension of the chain, then the chain has stretched excessively and must be replaced
The crankshaft position (timing) sensor type (2612.1.113 BOSCH or 406.3847113) of the inductive type is designed to determine the angular position of the engine crankshaft, synchronize the operation of the controller with the engine's working process and determine the crankshaft speed.