It is more convenient to remove the rear suspension beam on a lift.

If it is not possible to put the car on a lift, raise the rear of the car by placing a jack under the beam

Then place the supports under the jack sockets on the car body.

It is necessary to remove the rear suspension beam by assistants who will hold and lower the beam.

You will need: "18" keys (two), "18" socket heads, TORX E14, extension.

Remove the rear wheels.

Remove the brake pipes from the rear suspension beam (see "Replacing Renault Logan hoses and pipes").

Disconnect the load rod of the brake force regulator in the hydraulic drive of the rear brakes from the rear suspension beam (see "Replacing the Renault Logan brake force regulator").

Remove the rear suspension springs.

Renault Logan rear suspension beam replacement

Remove and remove the lower shock absorber mounting bolts.

Remove the parking brake cables from the holders on the rear suspension beam.

Renault Logan rear suspension beam replacement

Remove the four trunnion bolts on both sides.

Remove them complete with brakes and parking brake cables, slide them between the suspension beam and the bottom of the car and carefully lay them on the floor.

Renault Logan rear suspension beam replacement

Remove three bolts securing the rear suspension beam brackets on one side and the other and remove the beam assembly with brackets

Renault Logan rear suspension beam replacement

Unscrew the nuts of the bolts securing the beam to the brackets, holding the bolts from turning with a second wrench, and remove the brackets.

Renault Logan rear suspension beam replacement

Install the rear suspension beam in the reverse order of removal. Beam-to-bracket bolts must be finally tightened with the vehicle on the ground

After installing the beam, bleed the brake system and adjust the parking brake if necessary.


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We prepare the car and install it on a lift or an inspection ditch

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