You will need: power steering fluid, clean rag

Only add "Elf Renault Matic D2" fluid recommended by the manufacturer to the power steering reservoir

The tank is mounted on a bracket in the front of the engine compartment in the center.

Checking the level and topping up the working fluid in the reservoir power steering Renault Logan

The tank body is marked "MAX" and "MIN".

When the engine is warmed up to normal temperature, the level of the working fluid should be near the “MAX” mark.

When the engine is cold, the fluid level should not be below the "MIN" mark.

Check the power steering fluid level with the engine off.

Checking the level and topping up the working fluid in the reservoir power steering Renault Logan

Unscrew the tank cap...

Checking the level and topping up the working fluid in the reservoir power steering Renault Logan

A filter is installed under the tank cap.

Remove the filter periodically and inspect it.

If the filter is very dirty, then it must be washed.

Checking the level and topping up the working fluid in the reservoir power steering Renault Logan

and add the required amount of working fluid

Checking the level and topping up the working fluid in the reservoir power steering Renault Logan

Put the cork back on and wipe off any drips

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