Replacing the tie rod end
The outer tip of the steering rod is replaced if play of the ball joint of the rod is detected or the ball joint cover is damaged
Usually, this defect is detected with a large free play of the steering wheel and a characteristic knock
You can check the play by shaking the wheel with both hands in a horizontal plane, before that you need to raise the car on a jack or lift.
To work, you need tools: wrenches for 16, 19, 21, Torx T30, wheel wrench, ball joint puller.

When performing work, it should be borne in mind that the left end has a right-hand thread, and the right tie rod end has a left-hand thread
We raise the front of the car from the side of the work being performed and set it on reliable stops
Remove the corresponding front wheel
Loosen the tie rod end locknut
We unscrew the nut securing the hinge pin to the steering knuckle lever, keeping the finger from scrolling
Install the ball joint puller and press the pin out of the pivot pin boss
If there is no puller, the ball joint pin can be knocked out with sharp hammer blows on the end face of the swing arm boss, striking along the axis of the lever
Remove the pin from the pivot arm boss
Unscrew the tip from the steering rod
When unscrewing, you need to count the number of revolutions so as not to knock down the wheel alignment (it is advisable to put a mark before unscrewing)
If necessary, we keep the rod from turning by the flats
Install the new tip in reverse order
We wind the tip onto the rod, taking into account the number of revolutions.
Tighten the locknut with a torque of 50 Nm
Tighten the ball joint pin nut of the tie rod end with a torque of 35 Nm
If necessary, adjust the wheel alignment
Replacing the tie rod boot
The protective cover of the steering mechanism is replaced if it is cracked, lost elasticity or torn.
Preparing the car for work. We install the car on a lift or a viewing ditch.
Remove the wheel from the side of the boot to be replaced.
Remove the outer tie rod end as described above
Unscrew and remove the wheel alignment locknut.
In order to prevent dirt and dust from getting into the steering mechanism, before removing the protective cover, we clean and blow the surface of the cover with compressed air.
Using side cutters, we cut the plastic clamp
Remove the steering cover
Reuse of the protective boot of the inner joint of the steering rod is not allowed. After dismantling, use a new cover.
Clean the seating surfaces under the protective cover of the inner hinge.
Apply silicone-based lubricant to the seating surfaces of the protective boot.
Before installing the cover, set the steering gear to the position corresponding to the rectilinear movement of the car.
This position of the mechanism allows you to provide an equal amount of air in the internal volumes under the right and left protective covers.
Install the new protective cover and secure it to the steering gear housing with a new clamp.
Install the toe-adjustment locknut on the tie rod.
Reinstall the outer tie rod end.
Install the front wheel.
Check and, if necessary, adjust the wheel alignment.
Replacing the tie rod
You will need the same tools as when removing the tie rod ends, plus a 32 wrench, Torx T30, side cutters
Raise the front of the car and place it on a support
Remove the wheel
Disconnect from the lever and remove the tie rod end, as described at the beginning of the article
Remove the protective cover
We put the key on the flats on the hinge housing and unscrew the rod end from the steering rack
To make it clearer, we show on the removed steering gear
To make it more convenient to install the key on the hinge, when removing the left thrust, turn the steering wheel to the right, and when removing the right thrust, respectively, to the left
We apply an anaerobic thread locker to the threaded part of the inner hinge body
Install the thrust in reverse order
Tighten the tie rod joint to the rack with a torque of 80 Nm
Before installing the cover, we apply a silicone-containing lubricant to the teeth of the steering rack and the working surface of the thrust hinge
If necessary, we adjust the wheel alignment.