Before replacing any oil seal, you need to determine what caused the wear of the oil seal

Which seals are used in a Gazelle car

Part # - Assembly where cuff is used - Dimensions: d/ D/ B (mm) - Quantity

  • 406.1005034 - Crankshaft (front)* - 53.7/ 70/ 8 - 1
  • 2108-1005160 - Crankshaft (rear)** - 80/ 100/ 10 - 1
  • 53-1005034 - Crankshaft (front)** - 52/ 80/ 10 - 1
  • 31029-1701043 - Transmission input shaft - 35/ 48/ 7 - 1
  • 24-1701210-07 - Rear gearbox housing - 38/ 56/ 10 - 2
  • 69-2201031-А - Cardan joint - 17.5/ 27.6/ 4.7 - 12
  • 12-2401060-B - Front wheel hubs - 52/ 72/ 10 - 2
  • 53А-3103038 - Rear wheel hubs - 67/ 90/ 10/ - 2
  • 24-10-2402052 - Rear axle drive gear - 42/ 75/ 10 - 1
  • 63А-4207115 - Upper steering cover - 20/ 32/ 7 - 1
  • 2101-1307013; 11-1307013; 24-1007036-01** - Coolant pump - 17.5/ 36.6/ 20.9 - 1

* For ZMZ-402 engine;

** for ZMZ-406 engine

Check the surface of the shaft where the seal meets the shaft.

There may be excessive wear or nicks in this area.

In this case, replacing the cuff will have no effect.

Also, you need to check the condition of the ventilation in the mechanism where the gland is installed.

Excessive pressure may cause leakage through the stuffing box, even if the stuffing box is in good condition.

If these are camshaft seals, then you must first check the crankcase ventilation system

If the gearbox or gearbox oil seals, first you need to check the breathers (check if they are clogged with dirt, clean them).

The wear of the seals of moving shafts largely depends on the balancing of these shafts, the condition of the shaft bearings.

According to the table, we determine which one, where the oil seal is installed, purchase it and install it in accordance with the recommendations for replacing the cuffs of this unit.

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