If checking the hinge reveals the need to replace it, replace it

You will need: wrenches "for 13", "for 22" (two), wrench for wheel nuts, support (screw or hydraulic jack), metal brush, mounting spatula, hammer.

Remove the wheel.

Niva Chevrolet front suspension ball joint replacement

With a 22 head, unscrew the nut of the ball joint pin

Niva Chevrolet front suspension ball joint replacement

Remove the brake hose bracket

Niva Chevrolet front suspension ball joint replacement

Install the stop under the lower arm

Niva Chevrolet front suspension ball joint replacement

Using a 13 wrench, unscrew the nut of the ball joint bolt to the upper arm, holding the bolt from turning with a 13 wrench

We also unscrew the nuts of the other two bolts

We take out the bolts and remove the steering knuckle with a ball joint from the upper arm

Niva Chevrolet front suspension ball joint replacement

Using a puller, press the ball joint pin out of the steering knuckle hole

Niva Chevrolet front suspension ball joint replacement

Remove the ball joint

If there is no puller, unscrew the ball joint pin nut and remove the brake hose bracket as described above.

We compress the suspension spring with an adjustable stop installed under the lower arm.

Insert a block of wood between the upper arm and cross member bracket

Baiting the nut of the ball joint pin

Remove the stop from under the lower arm

Niva Chevrolet front suspension ball joint replacement

We strike the steering knuckle eye with a hammer and press the ball joint pin out of the steering knuckle hole

Unscrew the support pin nut

Niva Chevrolet front suspension ball joint replacement

Using a 13 wrench, unscrew the nuts of the three bolts securing the ball joint to the upper arm, holding the bolt from turning with a 13 wrench

Remove the ball joint

Install the ball joint in reverse order

If you removed the hinge only to replace the protective cover, check the condition of the hinge by turning the ball pin by hand.

Free movement of the finger or its sticking is not allowed.

Install the new hinge or new boot in the reverse order of removal.

After replacing the hinge, check and, if necessary, adjust the wheel alignment

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