You will need: wrenches "for 13", "for 17", "for 27", a wrench for wheel nuts.

Preparing the car for the task

We install the car on a lift or a viewing ditch

Drain the oil from the front axle gearbox

Remove the downpipe

Removing and installing Niva Chevrolet front wheel drives

Disconnect the propeller shaft from the front axle gearbox

Remove front suspension extensions

We remove the anti-roll bar, described in the article - How to replace the front suspension stabilizer of a Chevrolet Niva car

Remove the front suspension springs, look - Replacing the front suspension spring of a Niva Chevrolet car

We install an adjustable stop under the front axle gearbox

Removing and installing Niva Chevrolet front wheel drives

We move the steering knuckle to the side and remove the shank of the outer hinge housing of the right drive from the hub

Removing and installing Niva Chevrolet front wheel drives

Using a head with a pointer or a 13 spanner wrench, unscrew the three nuts securing the bearing cover of the drive inner hinge housing to the front axle gearbox housing

Removing and installing Niva Chevrolet front wheel drives

Using a 17 key, we unscrew the bolt securing the bearing cover of the inner hinge housing to the bracket of the front suspension cross member

We also unscrew the bolt securing the left drive bearing to the cross member bracket

Removing and installing Niva Chevrolet front wheel drives

Raise the gearbox with an adjustable stop until the lugs of the bearing caps come out of the cross member brackets

Removing and installing Niva Chevrolet front wheel drives

We pry off the bearing cover of the inner hinge housing with a mounting spatula

Removing and installing Niva Chevrolet front wheel drives

Slide the cover off the gearbox studs

The connection of the cover with the gearbox is sealed with a cardboard gasket.

By turning the bearing cover relative to the drive, we remove the shank of the inner joint housing from the gearbox

Removing and installing Niva Chevrolet front wheel drives

And remove the right drive assembly

Remove the left drive in the same way

Removing and installing Niva Chevrolet front wheel drives

We unscrew with a spanner wrench or a 13 head the three nuts securing the bearing cover of the left drive inner hinge housing to the front suspension cross member bracket

We pry off the bearing cover of the inner hinge housing from the left drive with a mounting spatula and slide it off the gearbox studs

By turning the bearing cover relative to the drive, we remove the shank of the inner joint housing from the gearbox

Removing and installing Niva Chevrolet front wheel drives

And remove the left drive assembly

We install in the reverse order.

We replace the gaskets with new ones.

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