A control pilot valve that directs fluid from the power steering pump to one side or the other of the steering rack piston

The piston and rack are one integral part of the steering mechanism

The gear rack piston converts fluid pressure into a linear force that moves the rack left or right.

This force is transmitted through the tie rods and tie rod ends to the steering knuckles that turn the front wheels.

If the hydraulic booster fails, the vehicle will be driven normally.

This requires more effort.

The rotational movement of the steering wheel is transmitted to the gear.

When the gear rotates, its teeth engage with the teeth of the rack, thereby causing the rack to move.

Steering column components: 1 - airbag module; 2 - locknut; 3 - steering wheel; 4 - steering column lining; 5 - spiral spring; 6 - combined switch; 7 - bottom panel; 8 - steering shaft; 9 - hinge cover; 10 - dust cover; 11 - bolts for fastening the steering lock mechanism; 12 - detail of the steering lock mechanism


When removing the steering wheel, do not hit the shaft with a hammer. The steering column may be deformed.

Set the vehicle's wheels to straight ahead.

Remove the steering wheel with a suitable puller. Article on removing the steering wheel - Removing the steering wheel of a Mazda 3

Using a chisel and a hammer, make grooves in the heads of the steering lock mounting bolts. Loosen the screws with a screwdriver.

Removing the steering lock part

Remove the part of the steering lock mechanism (fig. 2).


Check the steering column bearing for damage.

Checking Steering Shaft Length

Check the length of the steering shaft (fig. 3).

Replace the steering shaft if necessary. Length: 211.6mm

Checking the operation of the steering column tilt and longitudinal adjustment mechanisms: 1 - locked; 2 - unlocked; 3 - adjusting lever

Check the operation of the steering column tilt and fore/aft adjustment mechanisms (Fig. 4).

Ensure that the lever moves smoothly from the unlocked to the locked position.

Make sure the steering shaft is secure when the lever is in the "locked" position.

Replace the steering shaft if necessary.


Install the steering lock part on the steering shaft.

Make sure the locking mechanism works properly.

Install new bolts securing the locking mechanism.

Tightening the locking bolts

Tighten the bolts until the heads break off (fig. 5).

Steering shaft mounting bolts

Lock the steering column tilt lever (fig. 6).

Tighten the bolt (A). Tighten nut (B). Tighten the nut (C)

Do not strike in the direction of the axis of the shaft.

Set the wheels of the car to the straight ahead position, install the steering wheel.


Removing the elements of the airbags of the Chevrolet Niva car

We prepare the car and disconnect the negative battery terminal

There is an emergency power supply in the circuit of the airbag system control unit

How to change the oil in the gearbox of a Gazelle car

It is recommended to change the oil in the gearbox after 60 thousand kilometers of the car, and check the level every 20 thousand km

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