According to the manufacturer's recommendation, the coolant should be replaced after two years of operation or after 60 thousand kilometers, whichever comes first

If the coolant has changed color to red, replace it, as such a change indicates that inhibitory additives have developed and the liquid has become aggressive towards parts of the cooling system.

Replacing the coolant of a Gazelle car with a ZMZ-402 engine

Put the car on a horizontal platform.

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

Open the heater valve with the control knob on the instrument panel.

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

Open the cover of the expansion tank.

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

If necessary, putting a hose of a suitable size on the radiator drain valve, open the valve and drain the liquid into a container with a volume of at least 10 liters.

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

Similarly, we drain the liquid from the cylinder block.

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

For ease of access to the heating system hose, loosen the clamp and remove the upper radiator hose from the thermostat cover pipe.

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

We loosen the clamp and remove the heating system hose from the pump nozzle (on the right side of the engine) and, directing it into the container, drain the coolant.

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

For the convenience of work, having unscrewed five self-tapping screws, we remove the hose cover on the floor of the driver's cab

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

We unscrew the two screws securing the auxiliary heater cover and remove the cover

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

Using a slotted screwdriver, we loosen the clamp of the upper pipe of the radiator of the additional heater

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

Remove the hose by pinching the hole with your finger

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

Pull out the hose from under the seat and drain the liquid into a container

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

Similarly, remove the lower hose from the heater radiator pipe

Drain the fluid from the auxiliary heater radiator.

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

Having connected all the hoses, fill the system with fresh coolant.

Having started the engine, we make sure that there are no air pockets in the system and the engine overheats.

If there is an additional heater in the car, after starting the engine, turn on the electric pump.

Replacing the coolant of a Gazelle car with a ZMZ-406 engine

All work should be carried out only on a cold engine.

Unscrew the plug of the expansion tank and open the heater tap.

We put a hose of suitable diameter on the drain tap pipe.

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

Having lowered the hose of the radiator drain valve into a container (with a volume of at least 10 liters), open the valve and drain the coolant.

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

Remove the hose from the radiator tap

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle car

Putting on the tap located on the left side of the engine, we drain the remaining coolant from the cylinder block

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

Close the drain taps

Fill the system with water through the expansion tank.

How to change the engine coolant in a Gazelle

Start the engine for a few minutes.

Drain the water and, filling it with fresh water, flush the cooling system again.

In order not to spill liquid, insert a funnel into the expansion tank and slowly, in a continuous stream, pour coolant into it.

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