To complete the job you will need: TORX T20 wrench, flat blade screwdriver.

We prepare the car and disconnect the negative battery terminal

Replacement of emergency gang and central locking Renault Megane II

Remove the central trim of the instrument panel - Replacing the dashboard of the Renault Megane II.

Replacing emergency gang and central locking Renault Megane II

We press the four locks of the block fastening

Replacing emergency gang and central locking Renault Megane II

Remove the block from the overlay

Replacement of emergency gang and central locking Renault Megane II

Install the block and all parts in reverse order

Removing the reader

Replacement of emergency gang and central locking Renault Megane II

Remove the central trim of the instrument panel

Replacement of emergency gang and central locking Renault Megane II

Press the bottom latch of the reader mount

Replacing emergency gang and central locking Renault Megane II

We press the upper latch of the reader mount

Replacing emergency gang and central locking Renault Megane II

Remove the reader

Removing the engine start and stop button

Remove the negative battery terminal

Replacement of emergency gang and central locking Renault Megane II

Remove the center panel overlay

Replacement of emergency gang and central locking Renault Megane II

Press the button lock

Replacing emergency gang and central locking Renault Megane II

We remove the button from the opening in the central trim of the instrument panel

Replacing emergency gang and central locking Renault Megane II

Install the start button and all the details in reverse order

Install all parts in reverse order


The operation of the injection system of a gasoline engine Renault Megane -2

Engines installed on Renault Megan 2 cars are equipped with an electronic engine management system with distributed fuel injection

Removal and installation of the oil receiver of the VAZ-21114 engine

We remove the oil receiver when repairing the engine or when the oil receiver mesh is clogged, and the engine is starved of oil

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