Removing the cylinder head

Put the car on a two-post lift.

Disconnect the battery.

Remove the battery.

Remove the top engine covers

Remove the engine undertray.

Remove the accessory drive belt.

Remove the timing belt.

Remove the front bumper.

Fig. 1. Installation of the engine support support bar: 1 - bar

Install the engine support bar (Mot1672) (fig. 1).

Removing the camshaft pulleys: 1 - tool

Remove the camshaft pulleys by blocking the shafts with tool (Mot1490-01) (fig. 2).

Remove the fuel rail guard and the fuel rail feed line.

Move the fuel supply line to the side.

Disconnect the brake booster vacuum hose from the intake manifold.

Disconnect the wiring harness from the coolant temperature sensor.

Disconnect the hoses from the thermostat housing.


  • - blocks of wires from ignition coils;
  • - block of wires from the air temperature sensor;
  • - absolute pressure sensor wire blocks;
  • - hose from the canister purge solenoid valve.
Fig. Removing the intake manifold of the K4M engine: 1 - throttle cable, 2 - wiring harness to the ignition coils, 3 - wiring harness connector to the air temperature sensor, 4 - wiring harness connector to the intake air pressure sensor, 5 - intake manifold
  • - a block of wires from the upper oxygen sensor.

Disconnect the wire blocks from the injectors.

Connect the holders.

Open the wiring harness.

Remove the coils and spark plugs.

Remove the air filter housing.

Remove the throttle body.

Removing the K7M intake manifold: 1-7 - intake manifold mounting bolts

After removing the lifting eye and unscrewing the mounting bolts, remove the intake manifold (Fig. 4).

Fig. 5. Removing the fastening of the outlet pipeline flange: 1 - bolts; 2 - nuts

Removing the outlet pipe flange

Removing the cylinder head, K4J,K4M engine

Unscrew the mounting bolts and remove the oil separator (Fig. 6)

Removing the cylinder head, K4J,K4M engine

We unscrew the twenty-four bolts securing the cylinder head cover

Removing the cylinder head, K4J,K4M engine

Pry off with a mounting spatula

Removing the cylinder head, K4J,K4M engine

Remove the cylinder head cover

Be careful not to damage the mating surfaces of the aluminum alloy parts.

Cylinder head removal for K4J,K4M engine

Remove the exhaust camshaft

Removing the cylinder head, K4J,K4M engine

Remove the intake camshaft

Removing the cylinder head, K4J,K4M engine

Remove the valve levers

Removing the cylinder head, K4J,K4M engine

Remove the hydraulic tappets

Place the hydraulic tappets in a vertical position to prevent oil leakage from them.

Cylinder head bolt tightening order

Remove the mounting bolts and remove the cylinder head.

Install the cylinder head on the stand (Mot1573).

Removing the cylinder head, K4J,K4M engine

Remove the gasket from the cylinder block.

Cleaning the cylinder head

Clean mating surfaces with Decapjoint (or equivalent) to remove gasket residue from oil pan and engine block mating surfaces.

After applying the composition to the surface to be cleaned, wait about ten minutes, then remove it with a wooden spatula.

Do not let the cleaner come into contact with the paintwork.

Clean the cylinder head thoroughly so that no particles get into the oil outlet and inlet channels.

Oil supply channels can become clogged, resulting in rapid engine failure.

Checking the mating surface of the cylinder head

Fig. 10. Checking the mating surface of the cylinder head

Using a ruler set of feeler gauges, check the flatness of the mating surface of the cylinder head (Fig. 10).

Maximum allowable flatness: no more than 0.05 mm.

Grinding of the cylinder head is not allowed.


Replacing the cylinder head cover gasket ZMZ-409

If the oil leak from under the cylinder head cover could not be eliminated by tightening the cover bolts, replace its gasket

Removal and disassembly of the Gazelle car sediment filter

Some types of gazelle use an additional sump filter

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