Remove the fuel rail for flushing and replacing injectors

You will need a T0RX-T30 wrench, flat blade screwdriver, side cutters.

Depressurize the supply system.

Remove the air filter.

Removing and installing Renault Logan fuel rail

Squeeze the latch and disconnect the wiring harness block from the injector.

Removing and installing Renault Logan fuel rail

Similarly, disconnect the blocks from the remaining injectors and take the wiring harness to the side.

Removing and installing Renault Logan fuel rail

To disconnect the fuel line, cut through the plastic safety collar.

Removing and installing Renault Logan fuel rail

Squeeze the retaining ring and disconnect the pipeline from the fuel rail.

Removing and installing Renault Logan fuel rail

If necessary, pry out the latches with a screwdriver.

Removing and installing Renault Logan fuel rail

Replace rubber tubing O-rings with new ones each time the joint is disassembled.

Removing and installing Renault Logan fuel rail

Remove the fuel rail assembly with injectors.

Removing and installing Renault Logan fuel rail

Removing and installing Renault Logan fuel rail

Pry with a screwdriver and remove the nozzle retainer.

Removing and installing Renault Logan fuel rail

Remove the injector from the fuel rail.

When removing the injectors, replace their rubber o-rings with new ones.

Removing and installing Renault Logan fuel rail

To replace the nozzle O-rings, remove them from the atomizer and from the nozzle body.

Removing and installing Renault Logan fuel rail

After installing new rings, lubricate them with engine oil

Install the parts in the reverse order of removal. Secure the fuel line with a new clamp.

Start the engine and check the piping connections and injector seals for leaks

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