In the cab of a car with three rows of seats, an additional heater is located on the floor behind the passenger seat (or under it)

In buses, an additional heater is installed on the floor under the seat in front of the passenger compartment.

The auxiliary heater is operating in indoor air mode.

Additional heater: 1 - casing cover; 2 - heater casing; 3 - heater radiator; 4 - bracket; 5 - flange gasket; 6 - fan; 7 - motor flange; 8 - rheostat; 9 - cap; 10 - electric motor; 11 - fan nut; 12 - heater bracket

Repeated passage of internal air through the heater radiator provides a high intensity of heating of the cabin (interior).

The auxiliary heater device is shown in the figure.

In the heating system of these vehicles, an electric pump is used, which provides an increase in fluid flow in the system, which improves the heating of the cabin (interior).

Removing the auxiliary heater fan motor

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Using a slotted screwdriver, unscrew the two screws securing the additional heater guard.

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Removing the fence.

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Disconnect the plug from the heater motor.

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Using a key or a “7” head, unscrew the two nuts securing the wires and disconnect them from the terminals of the motor resistor.

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

While holding the bolts of the motor cap from turning with the “10” key, unscrew the four nuts with the same key

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Remove the cap along with the electric motor

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

A rubber sealing ring is installed between the cap and the heater casing

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Remove the electric fan from the cap.

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Use a screwdriver to unscrew the two screws

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Remove the impeller from the motor shaft.

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

With the key "on 8" we turn off two fasteners

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Remove the motor flange and rubber seal

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Using the “10” key, we unscrew the two fastening bolts

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Remove the motor resistor

Having replaced the defective parts, we assemble and install the electric fan in the reverse order.

Removing the auxiliary heater radiator

Drain the coolant (see Replacing the coolant) .

Remove the electric fan.

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Using a screwdriver, loosening the clamps, remove the hoses from the additional heater radiator pipes

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Using the “12” key, we unscrew the two bolts securing the radiator shroud to the bracket.

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Remove the radiator of the additional heater with the casing.

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

It is attached to the bracket through rubber washers and steel bushings

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Use a screwdriver to “snap off” the two fastening brackets

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Remove the casing cover

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Remove the second cover in the same way.

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

“Snap off” two more fastening brackets…

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

Having disconnected the halves of the heater housing, we remove the radiator from it.

Repair of additional heater of Gazelle car

When replacing the radiator with a “19” key, we unscrew the plastic pipes from it and, if necessary, rearrange them to a new radiator

We install the radiator in the reverse order, after which we fill the cooling system with liquid.

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