Replace the fluid in the power steering system if it is excessively contaminated
The manufacturer does not give clear recommendations on the frequency of changing the fluid in the hydraulic system, so we recommend replacing it after six years, regardless of condition
The rear suspension of the car is dependent, it includes a guide device, elastic elements and devices that dampen body vibrations.
The rear axle beam is pivotally connected to the body by means of torque rods - two lower 3 (Fig. 1) and two upper 9 longitudinal and one transverse rod 1.
If the receiver gasket is damaged, the engine will run unstable (triple).
Additional air sucked in through a damaged gasket will prevent a proper air-fuel mixture.
The pressure regulator (Fig. 1) regulates the pressure in the hydraulic drive of the rear wheel brakes depending on the load on the rear axle of the car
The control oxygen concentration sensor (lamda probe) is installed in the exhaust pipe of the exhaust system.